The oceans are a vast resource that has sustained human civilisations for millennia. However, its bounty is not limitless and in just a few short decades, overfishing has overwhelmed t
Per capita seafood consumption in Hong Kong is among the highest in the world: we each eat in excess of 70kg of seafood a year. Taking into account the territory’s population, that’s a
Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a panel discussion on the state of food sustainability. Some of the topics we discussed were the prevalence of plastic in our seafood, the c
178 Degrees is focused on showcasing the finest New Zealand products in Hong Kong. This couldn’t be done without the support of dedicated chefs who care deeply about the provenance of the
Waitangi Day on 6 February is New Zealand’s national holiday, and we're marking the occasion by launching an online store. You can join in the festivities and benefit from a 15% discou